Before you can even start thinking of how to get argumentative essay topics easy, you need first to know what an argumentative essay is. You also need to be aware of the writing tips for the writing process for an argumentative essay. As such, an argumentative essay presents arguments in both opposing and supporting sides. When writing this essay, you need to persuade the audience to believe in your point of view and behavior rules. One of the distinctive characteristics of the argumentative essay is that you have to refute the opposing arguments.
In other words, you have to elucidate on the opposing side’s argument and have enough facts to poke holes into it. Some find it a hard task to deal with, but if you have the right topic and preparedness, it becomes very easy. Dealing with an argument for essays is one of the most common assignments in high school and college and can be successful if there is a laid out an excellent strategy. With good planning, the process becomes easier. The first step involves formulating a good topic for an argument essay. This process can consume substantial amounts of the entire time you will spend writing this paper. You need not worry because we have provided you with a list of possible argumentative essay topics easy for you to understand and probably useful for your essay or inspiration. However, you need first to know some very useful tips about argumentative essays.
You first need to understand the skill of structuring and writing your argumentative essay. You must be ready to present a thorough overview of the topic for argument covering all the facets and persuading the audience to agree with your point of view.
Most importantly, you need to:
Remember that you are investigating argumenta topics for essays. As such, research will be involved, and it must touch on al aspect of the topic. Argumentative essays also present well-rounded summaries of the issues at hand. However, you must indicate what your point of view is and why it is the best option over others.
Remember that you are either arguing in support or against a particular school of thought on an issue. As such, you need to choose a topic that elicits a debate. For instance, making essay arguments about the fact that exercise is good would be hard because there are not many contradicting views on the topic. Most of the people would agree that exercise is good for people.
You will spend countless times research and writing an argumentative essay. As such, it is imperative that you chose something that piques your interest. Do not choose essay arguments that are overdone, or ones that are obscure because it would be hard to find evidence.
You can test your essay arguments by finding a peer who probably has an opposing argument and discusses the topic with him. This is essential in refining your thinking and developing new ideas to support your point of view. A debate-style conversation would apply everyone brings up aspects of the controversy and attempts to explain your views on the topic.
This is a crucial aspect that you need to remember, even when you are selecting the best topic for argument essays. Is the essay a class assignment? Is it a presentation to a larger audience? You must think of your audience to enable you to reach the desired outcome. Remember that people’s reacting is different because their backgrounds and experiences influence them, and you have to be knowledgeable about such factors. It will also assist you to know the kind of language to use when addressing different groups of audience.
You need to understand the factors of the situation surrounding your topic. These rhetorical questions include the text, which is the argumentative essay, the author, and in this case you, the audience, the purpose of the communication and the setting. With rhetorical situations, you can employ the right language that persuades someone towards a particular perspective. This is why rhetoric becomes crucial, especially when you are writing an argumentative essay. You have to convince the audience that your school of thought on the subject is the most appropriate one.
Sometimes it is good to come up with your argumental topics for essays, even when you are presented with one by your teacher. If you are given a chance to choose for yourself, go for the one that interests you. More so, even if you are an expert in any field, you have to use and cite your sources. This will demonstrate our ability to collect and select only the most relevant sources. Below are some of the sample argumentative essay topics easy to find:
General topics for argument essays
They include the following:
1. Should education be free for everyone?
2. Why are American citizens rapidly becoming more obese?
3. Should internet access be limited to students?
4. Young people must be allowed to make a choice when it comes to joining the military
5. The pros and cons of an MBA program
6. Has education become too commercialized nowadays?
7. Every student should be allowed to pick only those disciplines that pique his interest
8. Which are the secondary languages that are worth studying today?
9. Is academic grading a necessity, and does it help in performance?
Society essay arguments topics
1. Is religion the basis of war?
2. Is it a good idea to buy a lottery ticket
3. Is fashion that important?
4. Are feminists women too harsh on those who do not support their movement?
5. Is it good or bad to have a highly competitive environment for work or studies?
6. What is a culture shock, and how does it influence our perception of other people’s culture?
7. Should there be special privileges for working moms?
8. Can firing be a suitable punishment for cyberbullying?
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Argumental topics for essays on technology
These include:
1. Have we become too dependent on computers?
2. What is the downside of using online dating apps?
3. Can the creation of an automatic AI lead to human extinction?
4. How does social media impacts a person’s life?
5. Are cell phones dangerous?
6. Is reading eBooks works that are reading paper books?
7. Should there be more censorship on internet content?
8. Will electronic money replace paper money?
9. Does social media connection make people feel more lonely or stressed?
10 Do people become too idle because of technologies that ease housekeeping, like the robotic vacuum cleaner?
11. The impact of technology on the ability of people to create
12. What is excessive usage of the internet and can it be categories as a form of addiction
Argumental topics for essays on morality
1. Do cameras in public places infringe of the privacy of individuals?
2. Is it good to control the time that a teenager dedicates to playing computer games or using the internet?
3. Should animal-tested cosmetics and drugs be used by people to protect themselves from dangerous consequences?
4. Is torture acceptable?
5. Is it ethical to spill someone else’s secret to a person involved in that secret?
6. Are paparazzi violators of the private lives of celebrities?
7. Is it fair that people with less or no skills at all get famous and rich on social media platforms?
8. Should poor people be helped
9. How do beauty pageants influence the moral values of society?
10 Should the women who lack enough men for living opt for an abortion?
11 Does a person with a physically or a mentally challenges spouse to have a moral right to cheat?
12. Is killing a murderer justified?
13. Is it morally right to refuse to save another person’s life for fear of losing your own?
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Choose any topic for argument on education from the following samples:
1. When is the right age to introduce sex education to students in school?
2. Is it prudent to let teachers and staff members socialize with students?
3. Is it good to teach students housekeeping in school?
4. Should there be less or more homework?
5. Is there an increase in the information that we learn in school? Moreover, is it god o bad?
6. Does homeschooling challenge a child’s ability to socialize?
7. Is it wise to teach children in school about the issues of gender nonconformity and other types of sexual orientations?
8. Does it mean that children will stop learning if mandatory homework is canceled?
9. Is it good to use standardized tests to assess someone’s knowledge?
10 If a child does not like a subject, does the school have the power to absolve him from studying it upon the demand of the parents?
Some basis of arguments for essays on family
1. Is it good to ask children in court to choose the parents they want to to stay with after the divorce?
2. Should there be different right and responsibilities for men and women in spousal relationships?
3. Should people be taken through testing to become better parents?
4. Is it acceptable to force your child to study when he or she does not like it?
5. At what age should access to gadgets be introduced to children?
6. If parents discover their child abuses drugs, is it important for them to apply to rehab or deal with the problem on their own?
7. Is it prudent for parents to invade their teenage children’s relationships?
8. Should parents allow their teenage children to have plastic surgery?
Argumentative essay topics easy on health
1. Is cloning of humans acceptable?
2. Should working hours be reduced to six for purposes of health?
3. Is it good to euthanize people with incurable diseases if they wish so?
4. How does the time that people go to bed affect their health?
5. Should office employees obey certain rules, like washing hands to curb the spreading of diseases and infections?
6. Is lifespan dependent on genetics rather than other factors?
7. Are there health benefits that come with all kinds of sports?
Controversial essay arguments
1. Do long distance relationships draw people together or tear them apart?
2. Is social media a destroyer of real life communication?
3. Do long-distance relationships work?
4. Does same-sex parenting affect the child’s mentality?
5. Are we ready for ay contact from aliens?
6. Are men less emotional than women are?
The above are good examples of argumentative essay topics easy to find on the internet. They can be an inspiration to many of you. However, if there are any difficulties in coming up with a topic, you can always contact us to help you with the assignment.
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