Essay writing is a common task that students have to face in higher learning. There are many things that go into it and sometimes, the students have to write these essays in a given format. When it comes to academic essays, students have to follow a given structure as they try to dissect the topic accordingly. The ability to write good essays rests on the writing skills of the student. He can use any or even enlist the services of an online writer to try to improve his chances of performing better.
Essay writing is so important such that it is part of the examinations that the student has to write in a semester. More importantly, it is one of the admission requirements during the admission process. Irrespective of the academic essays that the student has to write, once a common aspect is the structure of the paragraphs within the text. The way one structure paragraph tells a lot regarding the writing skills of the student as well as the way he discusses his arguments in those paragraphs. As such, it would be good to assess some of the ways through which a student can use to structure the paragraphs of his academic essays.
Noteworthy is the fact that there is no definite structure of a paragraph for any academic essays. However, there is a simple format ha on can follow to ensure the information therein flows systematically as well as logically. Now, writing an essay can be a challenging task, and this happens but not limited to those who do not know how to structure their paragraphs well. This struggling to structure the paragraphs of their academic essays are in luck because this guide is meant to show you how to do just that. Its common knowledge that your essay takes the introduction, the body, and the conclusion format. Let us get into it:
Every time you write an academic essay, you start with the introduction, and this is how it is supposed to be:
• The introduction
This essential paragraph of your essay ought to tell the reader what your essay will; be talking about. It does not matter if you are writing elite academic essays or not. When writing your introduction, the rest three sentences ought to give an overview of the subject. Once you introduce your topic or problem, your introduction must end with your thesis statement. In academic essays, a thesis statement is crucial because it tells the audience your argument or the stance in the topic. Your introduction should not be too long. Make it reasonable because you want to grab the attention of your readers and get them to read the rest of your academic essay.
• Include two to three paragraphs as you explain your ideas
Most elite academic essays have two to three paragraphs that allow the writer to explain his ideas. However, you must first present your major point for the entire paragraph. This should be supported by evidence. Go ahead and explain the evidence and how it supports your ideas. Your paragraph ought to have a transitional sentence to the next paragraph. Body paragraphs make the build of academic essays. On the lower side, ensure that your paragraph has a minimum of four sentences long. However, sometimes you can have a paragraph in academic essays that is six to eight sentences long.
• Include two to three paragraphs as you explain your ideas
In most academic essays, you have to close with a paragraph that summarises the major ideas of your essay. This helps the reader to reflect on them, and t understand what you want them to take away from this essay, For instance, it can be a call to action or have them rethink their position on the topic-based on the evidence you have presented and how you have argued out your points. When writing conclusions of elite academic essays, ensure that. They are short and brief. In most cases, academic essays have conclusions that are three to four sentences long.
• Include two to three paragraphs as you explain your ideas
The audience can recognize that your paragraph breaks and you are going to a new idea. However, you can make this transition smooth and easy when you use the right words. Transitions show the relationship of your ideas or how they are opposed to each other. For instance, if your academic essay topic revolves around recycling, you can have the value of recycling programs as your first point and the importance of encouraging recycling at work or school as your second point.
Moving between these two points can utilize the words “Additionally,” or “furthermore.” If your third point is contradictory, you can use words like “however,” “on the other hand,” and so on. The idea is to have the reader recognize what you are trying to say in your academic essays and that you have points that are contracting with your original two points.
To structure your introduction, you can look at any academic essays example to at least get an idea of how the process goes. More so, you can follow these tips to help you in the process of writing your introduction.
• Open with a “hook” to engage the attention of your audience
The first sentence that you write in the introduction of your essay ought to make the reader want to continue reading the contents of your academic essays. Sometimes it is tough to come up with a compelling hook to have the right effect on the audience. Some of the common ways you can use to hook the reader include using a quote, startling statistics, giving a rhetorical question and even an anecdote depending on the type of essay that you are writing.
• Explain the topic and why it is essential in two sentences
In academic essays, it is crucial that you provide an explanation of your topic as well as its importance. You can use two general statements about your topic and narrow down your thesis. The readers must get the general idea of the essay, and this includes crucial background information. The key to writing effective elite academic essays is to provide enough context and background to the audiences that they understand where you are coming from as you argue your point out.
• Your thesis statement ought to present your stance or argument
Almost all academic essays have a thesis statement, which appears as the last sentence of the introduction. This presents the roadmap for your essay and should include your stance on the issue at hand. You later develop thesis points in every paragraph of your essay. Remember, it does not matter whether you are writing, persuasive, argumentative, and expository or any other type of academic essays. You must provide a thesis statement because that is the foundation of your essay that you will be defending throughout the writing process.
• Writing the body paragraphs
All academic essays have body paragraphs, which are center stage for the discussion of the topic at large. You must know how to come up with good body paragraphs especially if you want to earn good grades. There are many grading aspects that the professor will look at when you submit your essays and your body paragraphs are essential in this case. This is how you come up with perfect paragraphs in all your academic essays.
• Every body paragraph must begin with a new idea
The body paragraphs fall between the introduction and conclusion, irrespective of the length of your essay. Every paragraph must begin with a new idea, which is sometimes called the topic sentence. There is no standard size for a paragraph, but they should have a minimum of four sentences. In a short essay, the typical number of sentences ought to be between six to eight. If you are not sure of how many sentences you can include in your essay, consult your instructor.
Every new idea falls in its paragraph. In academic essays, it is important that you put every new idea in its paragraph. If you out too much information in one paragraph, it will look confusing and somewhat clumsy. Ensure that you have used transitional words when you move from one paragraph idea to the next.
• Write a clear topic sentence to introduce your major idea
In all elite academic essays that you are writing and will write, always begging your paragraph by clearly stating the topic. Your topic sentence should deal with a single idea, and the rest of the paragraph will expand on it. If you began your essay with an outline, ensure you have a topic sentence for every paragraph too.
• Provide evidence to back up your points
By virtue of being called academic essays, it means you have to be scholarly about how you present your ideas. As such, every point that you make must be supported by evidence, which can come in the form on a quote, statistic, or an example that backs up your idea. You should always choose the evidence that is most appropriate for your essay. If you are not sure about what to use, you can consult your instructor or review the assignment requirements.
The evidence used in academic essays may come from books, journal articles, scholarly literature, and any other reputable source. When you hear evidence, you might think of data experts. However, sometimes it includes your ideas depending on the assignment at hand. With elite academic essays, sometimes you might be allowed to take evidence from your observations on when it is necessary to the assignment, but this rarely happens.
• Analyze your evidence in one or two sentences and connect them to your ideas
You have to explain the evidence in your own words. Show the reader how it connects to the major idea on this paragraph. The reader must understand how this information supports the major idea of the essay. Sometimes you give more than one piece of evidence within the same paragraph. As such, ensure every evidence gets one or two sentence explanation.
• Closing-the-paragraph
For your academic essays to look professionally written, you need to close your paragraphs excellently. The final sentence of your paragraph should link to the major point of the essay. More so, it should introduce an idea you are going to explore in the subsequent paragraph.
To finish writing your elite academic essays, you need to do the following:
• Reiterate your thesis in your concluding paragraph
Remind the reader of your major points in the essay. The reader must recall what you set out to prove in the first place when you started writing your academic essays.
• Summarise how the arguments support your thesis
Write two sentences that summarise your key information that you provide in the essay and how it proves your ideas. You have to convince the reader that you proved your point.
• End your conclusion by answering the “so what?” question
When you do this, the audience will get the lesson you want them to take from your essay. This gives relevance to academic essays that you write, and the reader is able to appreciate the ideas better. You can end your essays by giving the audience a call to action. You can also end your elite academic essays by offering a solution to the problem you presented. You can also point to the next questions that need answers. Give them a valuable insight into your topic.
Students will continue writing different academic essays, and it is important that they consider the above insights as to how they need to structure the paragraphs of every essay that they write. More so, it is also about eh research they do use different academic essays example to get an idea of how they can go about the process. For now, they have an idea of how they can make their essays better and still attain good marks because these assignments are not as hard as previously thought.
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