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名作阅读分析论文怎么写? 科学怪人Frankenstein写作解析!

Jul 30, 2021 | 英国论文代写

在留学期间, 不同论文类型整得让人头大, 其中也少不了名作阅读分析论文, 关于这类型论文写作, 想必同学们也很熟悉了, 你不仅了解故事的内容, 还要把握论文的基调, 知晓文章的主旨, 难度是可以预见的; 今天我们就以科学怪人Frankenstein这篇文学著作为例, EssayMin留学生论文代写平台为您详细解析名作阅读分析论文怎么写!



● 科学怪人Frankenstein背景和介绍

● Frankenstein Meaning

● Frankenstein Themes

● 科学怪人常见Essay Topic

● Frankenstein Quotes的四大类型





Frankenstein monster科学怪人是西方文学中第一篇科幻类小说, 它的作者是Mary Shelley, 是一部受浪漫主义影响的哥特式小说. 玛丽·雪莱是英国著名诗人珀西·比什·雪莱的妻子. 就是那个写道“冬天来了, 春天还会远吗?”的作者雪莱. 这对夫妇时常与出名的英国诗人拜伦和散文家兼诗人利·亨特来往. 据说Frankenstein monster就是看了拜伦的建议来创作的. 这本书自1818年出版以来, 引起了全世界评论家的关注.

玛丽·雪莱从小就生活在那个西方社会深刻的历史变革时期, 那个时候, 英国, 法国, 美国等国一个紧接着一个完成了工业革命, 科技和文明空前发展. 大部分的老百姓都盲目追随科学, 他们对科学技术抱有种种不切实际的想象甚至到迷信的地步. 科学技术的飞速发展, 使人们欢欣鼓舞, 但是也使人们惊慌失措. 雪莱这一对夫妇和他们的作家朋友们时常探讨的话题是人们怎样看待科技的飞速发展.


Frankenstein Meaning


Frankenstein是一个学者, 专门致力于生命和科学的钻研. 在他的研究中, 经历过许多次的探索, 他塑造出了一个可怕的怪物. 起初, 这个可怕的怪物对人们充满了善良以及感激之情, 他非常希望与人们享有同样的权利, 所以不惜要求弗兰肯斯坦为他创造一个伴侣, 然而, 后面他却一再遭到弗兰肯斯坦和人们的憎恨和歧视时, 他觉得十分痛苦. 他憎恨所以的一切, 他想毁掉这一切, 他想和他的造物主一起死. 他杀死了Frankenstein的兄弟威廉和他的未婚妻伊丽莎白. 弗兰肯斯坦愤怒地追捕他创造的恶魔. 最后, 在这场战斗中, 弗兰肯斯坦被击毙, 怪物跳入海中自杀.

Frankenstein adaptations


Frankenstein Themes


这部著作不只是描绘了人类与科技发展之间的矛盾关系, 也让我们陷入这样一个思考: 它会给人类带来什么不利. 对大自然而言, 人类需要一直保持着敬畏之心的状态, 而不是盲目地尝试控制或征服自然, 不然, 人类将会面对很多不可预测的不理想的结果. 这部著作还反映了其他思想, 包括情亲, 正义, 探索等.


科学怪人常见Essay Topic


Discuss the novel’s shifts in narrative perspective. What is the effect of presenting different characters’ viewpoints, especially those of Victor and the monster?

▶ 分析: 探讨小说从不同的角度出发产生的变化. 特别是从Victor Frankenstein和Frankenstein monster的角度进行叙事, 会产生什么样的效果?


Trace and discuss the role of letters and written communication throughout the novel.

▶ 分析: 小说中的书信往来始终贯穿文章整个故事线. 探讨书信在小说中有何用处.


Discuss the presentation of women in the novel. Do Victor and the monster differ in their view of women, and if so, how?

▶ 分析: 探讨小说中的女性描写. Victor和怪物对女性有不同的想法吗? 倘若有的话, 两者不同之处在哪里?


Do the monster’s eloquence and persuasiveness make it easier for the reader to sympathize with him?Why do you think most film versions of the story present the monster as mute or inarticulate?

▶ 分析: 怪物十分希望自己能和人们享有一样权利. 他的语言组织表达能力可以让人们更可怜他的命运吗? 在许多改编自小说的电影中, 怪物角色的设定都是无声的. 这是因为什么呢?


Victor attributes his tragic fate to his relentless search for knowledge. Do you think that this is the true cause of his suffering? In what ways does the novel present knowledge as dangerous and destructive?

▶ 分析: Victor最后悲剧是因为他自己本身对知识的不断追求而产生的. 你赞同这个想法吗? 这部著作用什么方式表明知识是危险和破坏性的?


Frankenstein Quotes的四大类型


Frankenstein Quotes About Being Human

Frankenstein Quotes About Being Human


  • “There is nothing more painful for mankind than great and sudden changes.”
  • Be careful, because I am fearless, so I am strong.
  • “Such a person has a double existence: he may suffer and be overwhelmed by disappointment; however, when he retires to himself, he will be like a god, with a halo around him, in which there are no sad or foolish adventures.”
  • “How changeable our feelings are, and how strange our persistent love for life is, even in extremely painful situations!”


Frankenstein Quotes About the Impact of Our Lives

Frankenstein Quotes About the Impact of Our Lives


  • Great misfortune befalls us, but let us hold on to what is left and transfer our love for those who have lost to those who are still alive.
  • “When a lie seems so close to the truth, who can guarantee that he will be happy?”
  • He was soon swept away by the waves, lost in darkness and distance.
  • For a moment, my soul rebounded from depravity and miserable fear. These sights were monuments and memories.
  • For a moment, I dared to break free and look around in a free and noble spirit; but steel had eroded my body, and I once again trembled and hopelessly sank into my miserable self. “


Frankenstein Quotes About Love and Monsters

Frankenstein Quotes About Love and Monsters


  • “I’m supposed to be your Adam, but I’m more like a fallen angel.”
  • Even if he has a nervous breakdown, no one can feel the beauty of nature more deeply than he does.
  • “Every sight offered by the starry sky, the sea, and these wonderful regions still seems to have the power to sublimate his soul from the earth.”
  • There is a kind of love in me that you have never seen before.
  • There is an anger in my heart that will never escape.
  • If I am not satisfied with one, I will indulge the other.
  • The strange thing is that our souls are made up like this. With a little hindrance, we are doomed to prosperity and destruction.


Frankenstein Quotes About the Discovery of the World

Frankenstein Quotes About the Discovery of the World


  • “Our childhood companions always have a power to dominate our minds, which is beyond the reach of any later friend.”
  • Learn from me, if not according to my precepts, at least from my example, how dangerous it is to acquire knowledge, and those who believe that their hometown is his world are much happier than those who aspire to be greater than their nature allows. “
  • “If there is only one smile on your lips when we meet, it’s because of this or any other effort. I don’t need any other happiness.”
  • “What I am eager to know is the secret of heaven and earth; whether it is the external entity of things, the inner spirit of nature and the mysterious soul of human beings, my inquiry points to the metaphysical or, in the highest sense, the physical secrets of the world.”




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