EssayMin英国论文代写拥有1800+名丰富经验的英国本地导师团队, 每个多论文代写导师都有多年代写经验, 熟知英国论文的格式, 学术重点, 每篇论文都以严格的标准对待, 100%保证原创的情况下帮您获得论文高分. 使您的拥有一个满意的留学生涯, 帮您扫除一切论文障碍!
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EssayMin如今能在代写行业有一席之地, 不能缺少的就是我们经验丰富的论文导师团队. 一个好的写作团队是这个必不可少, 也是最关键的组成部分!
我们只聘请英文母语导师, 每位导师都毕业于英国知名院校, 有着丰富的学术论文写作经验. 语言水平和学术写作水平有所保障!


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– 在三个月内平均成绩符合标准
EssayMin英国论文代写金牌导师 – 年度TOP 12 Gold Writers
我们一直坚持不懈的追求论文质量,因为我们深知, 只有高质量的论文才可以留住客户, 这是我们公司坚实的基础. 我们的客户好评率达到99%,我们对此十分骄傲, 感恩同学们的信任! EssayMin的导师全部是拥有硕士及以上学位, 我们的论文代写团队为同学们提供不同类别的论文代写服务. 我们专注于英国学术论文写作和论文Proofreading. 以下是我们2019年, 年度最佳 TOP 12 Gold Writers ,代写的平均成绩保持在70+以上, 并且是优秀毕业论文代写金牌导师:
Scott E. graduated from the University of York with a 1st Class Honors degree in Business in 2005. Since then he has completed a Diploma for Graduates in Business & Finance at the Imperial College London. He is currently living in London and working at EssayMin for 7 years.
Charlie S. is a graduate of Durham University in marketing. He received his Masters from London School of Economics and Political Science. He is working for EssayMin as full-time of marketing, business, law, and media written content as a professional writing coach.
Amy T. is a graduate from University of Exeter with a Master in Communications and International Studies. She has worked as an IELTS teacher and tutor. Amy is now a professional writer, editor, translator, and online media specialist. She worked at EssayMin for 8 Years.
Janet An is a graduate of University of Warwick. Soon after, she completed her Master’s degree in Law at the Warwick as well. After graduation, she worked at Investment Banking for 4 years in London. She is currently living in London and working at EssayMin.
Edward C. is a graduate at the University of Exeter with Journalism. He has worked at RDF Television for 3 years. He finished pursuing his degree at Cambridge, and works as a writer and editor for EssayMin.
Rebecca B. is a 2005 graduate of New York University, with a BA in design, cum laude. She returned to school in 2008 to pursue her master’s in fashion management. She worked at EssayMin for 8 Years.
Bethany is an educational professional and freelance writer in EssayMin for 6 years. She graduated cum laude from Bath University with distinction in the Education major, and got her M.S.
Madeline completed a Master’s of arts in English at the Newcastle University, where she also taught English composition, literature and journalism. She frequently worked one-on-one with students to improve their writing. She has worked as a freelance writer for almost 12 years and 8 years at EssayMin.
Susan is a graduate of the University of Manchester, and holds two Bachelor of Arts degrees, in Print Journalism and Social Sciences. She returned to school in 2003 to pursue her master’s in Social Sciences. Susan’s varied career includes reporting, advertising, government public affairs, and nonprofit work. She is currently living in London and working at EssayMin.
Bradley T. is a graduate at the Columbia University with a Double Major in the fields of Philosophy and English Literature Studies. Soon after, he completed his Master’s degree in English at the Cambridge University. On occasion he has been called upon to act as a Teaching Assistant to assist professors in evaluating university-level academic essays. He is currently working at EssayMin as a writer and editor from 2010.
Olivia Wilde is a graduate of University of California, Los Angeles with a Master in International management. Although her background is management, she has always pursued a strong interest in writing, reporting and communications. She has worked as Auditor at PG and also worked as a content developer. Currently she is working at EssayMin for Full-time writer.
Lucy holds an Honors Bachelor of Arts in early modern history from the Durham University. Then she earned her Mater from one of the top UK institutions. Alongside her permanent editing positions and her studies, Lucy is an experienced editor who also has a background in copy writing, transcription, and translation. She has worked with a variety of clients and a wide range of texts, including web content, newsletters, corporate and charity mission statements, academic papers, blog posts, and judicial transcripts.